Saturday, December 4, 2010


Next semester my plan is to organize a think thank/group discussion event every other week...i haven't yet come up with a name for this group or fully conceptualized everything...but in short 

The meetings will be a think thank were the the group basically discusses problems that we (the group) observe in the our community...after the group has reached a consensus...

the 2nd part will be to discuss realistic solutions for those problems
3rd  part (which will be the main purpose of the group) to pool our resources and develop a  project or projects, long term or short term, to implement the solution/s we came up with in part 2   
An example lets say the group consensus is that  there not enough black men in college..we would also have to come up with a way to tackle this problem ...lets say the solution we come up with is to go to high schools around the city and talk to the students about the importance of college...we would make it a project and actually go do it!     

another example would be...lets say the group consensus is that to many black youth are ignorant of African History...the group would then have to come up with a realistic solution or way to tackle the problem and then actualize it!

If you have observed some important issue or issues in the our community you would like to work to fix then come to the first meeting!

I still have some planning to do and still haven't gotten the space from Howard to have these meetings but if you are me your email or phone number...or email me at

Real talk..whether 100 people or 5 people or even 1 person is with me on this I will still do it!  


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